

      Purpose Duration Responsibilities Platform Engine
      To challenge ourselves during the Global Gamejam and learn how to work with Unity. 48 Hours Planning and implementing writing and gameplay PC Unity
      Itch Page

    • Follow a 5 minute experience in a dark moody city, driving around with a smug and super cool cat behind the steering wheel.

Contribution & Reflection

    • • Gameplay Design
    • • Narrative
    • • Post Mortem

Planning & Concepting

The moment we got the theme, we knew we wanted to do something with a cat, we iterated between making a driving game where you toss a cat out the window and try to make it fly as far as possible, or a cat delivering packages on a wobbly bike through windings streets. In the end we settled on a very simple game where you help a cat drive a car through the night, but you're not actually driving yourself; just enjoying the atmosphere and narrative.

The first evening I was the only developer with previous technical experience, so I was sitting and trying to learn C# and the Unity interface and prototyping a character controller and very simple detection system for interactables. I did not get very far before we called it a night but I learned quite a lot of how to navigate Unity as compared to Unreal and a basic rundown on the component-based nature of the engine.


The narrative of the game had to be snappy and funny, to sell the atmosphere and follow the theme of the jam. While we wanted a lot of show don't tell, but with the limited gametime we were worried that our players would not understand what was going on, so I had to cook up dialogue that was not only funny but also informative and telling of where the player should proceed next.

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So why is this funny gamejam game on your portfolio Calle?

Well. The game got hit with massive attention from different youtubers, streamers and even a feature on's own Youtube channel. Following game's release on Itch we saw huge numbers of players surge in and the game ended up being a success among indie game youtubers from all across the globe!

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The attention garnered by the game has us flattered and in the future we hope to be able to develop more small games like this together!


    Art Design Programming
    Jens Söderlund Calle Wahlstedt Nilsson Tobias Johansson
    Gustav Johansson Alfred Carlsson